Abstract Submission Information
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: May 12, 2023
Abstract acceptance Notice: May 26, 2023
The Scientific Committee invites all interested authors to submit their oat-related abstracts to the 2nd Food Oats Conference.
Abstract criteria
- Abstracts must be written in the English language – abstracts submitted in other languages will not be accepted.
- The number of authors is limited to 10 per abstract, including the presenter.
- A person can be presenting author for a maximum of two abstracts.
- The author/s shall indicate the preferred presentation format (oral or poster) of the submitted abstract. However, the Scientific Committee will decide over the final presentation format.
- Authors must choose the session/track in which they wish to present their abstract at the time of submission: 1) oat genome and breeding, 2) oat crop management, 3) oat processing, 4) health effects of oats, 5) innovation and consumer trends
- Authors must complete the disclosure section in the Abstract Submission Form.
- All information in the abstract submission, including authors’ names, affiliations, and the content of abstract, will be used in the conference publications.
- Abstract submission assumes full acceptance of all these criteria. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract, if it is not adapted to any of these criteria.
Abstract acceptance or rejection will be notified by e-mail until May 26, 2023.
Abstract form
The submitted abstract shall contain the following information:
- PRESENTING AUTHOR: Name, email, institution, city, and country
- CO-AUTHORS: Name, institution, city, and country
- PRESENTATION TYPE: oral or poster
- TITLE: 20 words maximum
- CONTENTS: Background and objectives; Methods; Results; Discussion, 250 words maximum
- PREFERRED SESSION: 1) oat genome and breeding, 2) oat crop management, 3) oat processing, 4) health effects of oats, 5) innovation and consumer trends
Abstract submission
All abstracts must be filled in using the Abstract Submission Form and submitted. The deadline for abstract submission is May 12, 2023.
Any questions, please contact Lieselotte Cloetens, mail lieselotte.cloetens@tbiokem.lth.se